Quirks/Habits: Never leaves home without wearing the ring his mother gave him when he was a boy, has his robes pressed every night, needs to have his outfit for the following day laid out before he goes to sleep, only wears black boxer briefs, takes tea every single day with his mother, Magical Strengths: Dark Magic and the Dark Arts, Curses, Charms, Arithmancy, Magical History, Ancient Runes,Potions, Magical Weaknesses: Magical Creatures, Transfiguration, Strengths: Self-confident, diplomatic, sly, intelligent, doesn't worry of what others think of him, cultured, love of the finer things, loyal, keen observer, calm, quiet, attentive listener, Weaknesses: Proud, doesn't worry of what others think of him, extravagant, snide, a bit of a bastard, dry sense of humour, cold, player, lack of ambitions, decadent, Phobias: Death Eater ties being found, his mother's murders figured out, having to really work for a living, aging ungracefully, Philias: Magical history books, books on dark magic, fine wine, horses, tea, Hobbies/Interests: Often found reading history books or books on dark spells, wine tasting, horseback riding, playing the piano, various forms of ball room dancing. It is not a widely known fact that Blaise creates dark objects from even the simplest day to day materials--robes, books, a piece of candy. Besides, it gave him an opportunity to give out detentions anyway. They were warded into their rooms at night when the two had work to do, not wanting them to stumble upon something they shouldn't have to see. Draco, Ron, Fred, George, Lee Jordan, Dean, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Draco, Goyle, Crabbe, Marcus Flint, other Slytherins, Ron, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Neville, Fred, George, Ginny, Dean, Lee Jordan, Seamus. and was appointed Head Girl of Slytherin house. Blaise Zabini and his first wedding - Chapter 6 - mk94 - Harry Potter Zabini family Whitewashing is distinct but related things. He is a member of the Slug Club due to his famous mother, who has had seven husbands. PB: Tyler Perry. In February of 1994, Paul and Aida welcomed Christabel to their family, another heathy baby girl. Zabini family | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom Rowling, J. K. 2010. PB: Boris Kodjoe. This is why it is such a big deal, it is a form of racism. They were the only people that held opinions of value to him, but he knew even they must talk of it. He's muscular but not to the point that he seems a body builder or even someone who works to look as he does--it all just looks effortlessly put together for him. What happened thereafter remains unknown. Click here for more information regarding The Zabini Family. [3], Blaise seemed to be a highly arrogant individual, who looked down on nearly everyone and everything. [3], Blaise Zabini was the son of a famously beautiful witch who had been widowed seven times over by 1996. [6], Blaise seemed to be a highly arrogant individual, who looked down on nearly everyone and everything. [Source], Blaise Zabini (b. what brings you here? : pairings: reader x blaise zabini, cedric Whenever they are out with him though, he gives them very minimal thought until it's time to leave. Slytherin[1][2] [3] Once they arrived at Hogwarts, Blaise apparently passed the litmus test that Slughorn had set, as he continued to receive invitations to Slughorn's parties after the school year began. eligibility examiner 1 albany county. Blaise seemed to get along with Draco Malfoy, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, and Pansy Parkinson he was willing to sit with them on the train journey to Hogwarts but other than that, he was not mentioned to be hanging around that group. [6], Blaise was prejudiced against Muggles, Muggle-borns, and those who were accepting of them. Born what does blaise zabini smell like in amortentia He is the Heir Presumptive of House Zabini and heir to the Florentine Black Hand, an Italian Wizarding Mafia organization. However, he also did not seem to hold a high opinion of followers of Voldemort, he taunted Draco on his father being outed as a Death Eater. Even when he returned to school, he was quieter than ever, though offering scathing remarks to anyone who questioned him about it. On the morning of his eighth birthday Blaise discovered Le Comte dead at the breakfast table, having choked to death on his pain au chocolat. Blaise smiled and nodded. He also did not seem to respect Draco Malfoy very much. Blaise was present on the Hogwarts Express when the Death Eaters raided it looking for Harry Potter.[10]. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Our collections of magical merch crowd our rooms, we've spent thousands of dollars and many, many years of our lives exploring the books, and the movies, and have even visited the many locations where Harry Potter films come to life and now all wizards are welcome to join us here! The surname Zabini is Italian and Portuguese. The cover photo was ripped out but the caption under it read "Contessina Zabini". Which character does your amortentia smell like? (male version) Specifically, some members of the Harry Potter community continued to depict Blaise Zabini as white in various fanfiction/fanart after the publication of the Half Blood Prince. During their sixth year, when Blaise showed his feelings toward Harry Potter: Zabini gave a tiny little cough that was clearly supposed to indicate amused scepticism.. what does blaise zabini smell like - mayintaiphu.com Given the gender-neutral nature of his name, fan forums spent many of the first few years following the publication of the series debating whether Blaise was male or female. If the race of the character is not established or even hinted at it seems reasonable that one would assume the Blaise would be white given the context of the story (majority white nation, white author, majority of established characters are white; unlike say Cho Chang, who based on the name would reasonably be considered of Eastern Asia descent). Style of Dress: Blaise wears very little outside of traditional wizarding garb. Blaise was born to Aida and Elias, though he never had the chance to know his father because he died before he was born. Blaise was proficient enough in potions to progress alongside Harry Potter, being taught by Professor Slughorn. He just wouldn't leave certain people to the wolves the Ministry had become. However, the end of his sixth year didn't prove much better. Home / / what does blaise zabini smell like in amortentia. Mosi Nembiko (father) Sabrina Zabini (mother) Serena Zabini (aunt/adoptive mother)Blaise (cousin) Salvatore Montessi (stepfather) "Le Comte" (stepfather) Blaise Zabini - Harry Potter Lexicon Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been. Upon arriving home, he reveals to Hermione his true lineage and that of his butler, Gunther.[3]. However, he also did not seem to hold a high opinion of followers of Voldemort, as he taunted Draco on his father being outed as a Death Eater. Discover short videos related to what blaise smells like on TikTok. Extant (likely) However, he did give a little cough of "amused scepticism" when Slughorn told the group that he thought Harry Potter had powers beyond the ordinary. Blaise Zabini | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom It was not something he wanted to do at all, so he just became a figurehead for the company, letting it be run from within by some very shrewd people he felt would do the job right and not make him look foolish. Does a summoned creature play immediately after being summoned by a ready action? How would this be acceptable in any other situation? Since he did not fight in the final battle, he likely survived the war. He needed something to do other than sit around with people he didn't particularly like and when it was asked for some student assistance, Blaise happened to be in a good enough mood to oblige. It bears similarity to the name of a custard-like Italian dessert, Zabaione. This was shown when he reacted with scornful amusement when Professor Slughorn praised Harry Potter's power. Blaise started Hogwarts in 1991. Is it whitewashing to depict Blaise Zabini as white? Died: March 14, 1996 While he pitied those he knew forced to take the Mark, he could not help but rejoice that he didn't need to follow them. The Scent Of Amortentia, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Status Style of Dress: Blaise wears very little outside of traditional wizarding garb. Later that year, in August, she married husband number four, Anthony Stone. [Source] They hoped to find it through searches and looking through their expenditures but they found nothing. He rarely expressed his disdainful opinions in a confrontational manner. He is an Occlumens of unknown level, probably at least level 2. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Going back to that rabbit hole of fan fiction, there are theories that his mother was, suffice it to say, not only didnt hug him but used him. And then again in September of 2005, Aida married Oberon Peck, one of the few men Blaise did not hate right away, though he didn't care for him terribly much since he was much too young for his mother--much closer to Blaise's age than her own. Boggart: His mother as an actual over-sized Black Widow Spider. [1], During Blaise's childhood Serena married various rich wizards, including the Count of Provence, who Blaise refuses to refer to as anything by "Le Comte". [14] Given how he presumably did not fight in the Battle of Hogwarts, along with most of Slytherin, he would have survived the Second Wizarding War, but what happened to him later in life is unknown. women's pickleball shorts with pockets.

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