Gene-seed cultured in haste is wont to degrade or mutate, and a myriad of other factors might lead to the entire process going awry. Some of these Chapters utilise subtle modifications to armour and weaponry, shielding them from detection until the very last moment. When fighting in defence, the Space Marines identify the point the enemy is most likely to assault, and hold it come what may. Warhammer 40K: List Of The Week - Space Wolves Slay Their Foes. Those who face the impossible without faltering and who survive long past the point they should have perished are recovered by the Chapter's Apothecaries, often having succumbed but not yet died, and revived, having been judged worthy of becoming an Astartes Neophyte. Jungle Worlds are often perilous environments, where the slightest scratch can result in lethal bacteriological infection and predatory life forms hunt the unwary. Often these are unique artefacts predating the Age of Imperium, or in the case of the Dark Angels' Fortress-Monastery a vast chunk of planetary debris hollowed out and fitted with the very largest of warp drives. Thus, any Chapter, from the First Founding from the Twenty-Sixth, can exhibit deficiencies in its gene-seed. This genetic curse usually comes in three stages: The Marines Errant never refuse the call to arms or the chance to join a crusade against the enemies of the Imperium. They are highly suspicious of outsiders and often appear unreasonably aloof and intransigent. This often occurs in the form of having a 'magical Inquisitor' who happens to make a dramatic entrance at exactly the right moment to save the day. There is no subtlety to such landings. However this is more difficult than may be imagined. The Dark Angels have a similar tradition drawn from the knightly orders of their lost homeworld of Caliban and often require Aspirants to track and kill fearsome beasts mutated by the powers of Chaos. Hive cities are transformed into towering mausoleums, their corridors and domes choked with the dead and riddled with disease. The Imperial Fists are one of the First Founding Chapters of the Space Marines and were originally the VIIth Legion of the Legiones Astartes raised by the Emperor Himself from across Terra during the Unification Wars. It has never been decreed necessary by the Adeptus Terra to enforce the tenets of the Codex absolutely, as it is highly doubtful that it ever could be done. With each Primarch the Emperor re-discovered during the Great Crusade, He gave command of the Space Marine Legion created from their genetic material back to them. Such weighty secrets can come to press heavily on a Battle-Brother's soul: It is unknown whether the controlled savagery of the White Scars came originally from Jaghatai Khan, or from the wild and fierce people of Chogoris themselves, or even some combination of the two, but whatever the cause, there is a ferocity within their hearts and their blood that grants them great power, but which also threatens to consume all that they are and damn them. When two armies decide to fight one another for possession of a city, the conflict is sure to become a bitter and bloody meat grinder, for in the crater-strewn ruins, death awaits at every corner. Amongst other types of Trial, the Ultramarines make extensive use of the Exposure Trial. Codices designed for a prior edition of Warhammer 40,000 are still valid in the current edition, unless a later version has replaced it. If you would like to determine what sort of terrain dominates the Chapter's home world, chose or randomise from amongst the following possibilities. Psycho-organically, initiates are noted to display increased aggression, as is to be expected, but also a marked tendency towards cohesion and the adoption of hierarchy, alongside an almost pathological dedication to the achievement of an assigned goal, particularly when compared against the psychological profiles of certain other Chapters, who demonstrate more markedly heightened individualistic and fractious tendencies post-implantation, such as the White Scars or Space Wolves. Space Marine helmets frequently display rank and battle honours, either through colour or insignia. The profound misery of a Primarch. Some torments leave the Aspirant scarred for life, though the scars are proudly borne as evidence of his mental strength. However, keep in mind that this is also the exception, not the rule! Later a selection of photographs of Citadel Miniatures painted by. 'Codex' is now a term solely used for army books. It is often said that in the dark future of the 41st Millennium there is only war. After their discovery by the Inquisition, the Steel Confessors were forced to become an independent Chapter of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but they still maintain unusually close ties with the Mechanicum of Mars. A map of the 40k galaxy I created as a commission for a friend's personal Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum Regiment Codex, which the planet callout box in the bottom left relates too. This is both disappointing and extremely lazy. Astra Militarum, Adeptus Mechanicus, Imperial Knights, This page was last edited on 23 January 2023, at 21:51. Warhammer 40,000 Homebrew Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. An ocean Hive-World might feature air-sealed hives at the bottom of the sea, or afloat on great man-made islands. Dark Mechanicum homebrew codex - The Bolter and Chainsword Launching his Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman gifted thousands of Primaris Space Marines to help alleviate the losses suffered by several existing Chapters. What exactly is a Space Marine Chapter? In the more than 10,000 standard years that have passed since the First Founding of the 20 original Space Marine Legions by the Emperor of Mankind, there have been 25 subsequent Foundings of new Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes; with the most recent, the 26th Founding, occurring in the year 738.M41, approximately 250 years before the current year, which in the Warhammer 40K universe, is 999.M41. Once the most numerous and powerful of the Space Marine Legions, their numbers would be depleted and primacy ended by decades of savage warfare, particularly in the wars of the Rangdan Xenocides, one of the most apocalyptic campaigns of the Great Crusade. Primarch's Curse: The Strong are Strongest Alone, Things NOT to Do When Creating a Homebrew Chapter, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created from Traitor Legion Gene-Seed, Do NOT say that your Chapter is a Space Wolves Successor Chapter, Do NOT claim that your Chapter has cured the twin-flaws of Sanguinius, Do NOT say that your Chapter is one of the Lost Legions, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created from a lost company, Do NOT claim your Chapter was created whole from another Chapter, Do NOT claim your Chapter was secretly created by a Primarch, Do NOT say that your Chapter is a Grey Knights Successor Chapter, Don't claim your Chapter was created by an unknown twenty-first Primarch, Do NOT have your Chapter fulfill the role of another Imperial organisation, Do NOT say that your Chapter was Founded by someone other than the High Lords of Terra, Do NOT claim your Chapter is a Gue'vesa Chapter or Xenos-Aligned, Do NOT Claim your Chapter are allies with the Legion of the Damned, The use of Deus Ex Machina, or the 'Magical Rogue Inquisitor', Do NOT say your Chapter was 'Lost to the Warp', Do NOT claim your Chapter was central to any of the major campaigns, Bolter & Chainsword forum's "Guide to DIYing" by Aurelius Rex, Bolter & Chainsword forum's "Clichs and Lazy Plot Devices" by Rogue Trader, This Founding occurred several standard decades after the climax of the catastrophic events of the War of the Beast - the massive Ork WAAAGH! Indeed, many Chapters prefer to keep their recruiting stock as "pure" as possible, trapping them as flies in amber in the state that makes them such ideal Aspirants in the first place. As to the long term viability of this and other lost Legiones Astartes detachments, it is difficult to say. The key is finding the right balance of personal interaction that makes all the characters you write about, seem real and lifelike, without having your story devolve into constant bickering and one-upping each other. A common feature of this style of warfare is the unimaginable cost in lives of taking any ground at all. Every possible resource is mustered in the pursuit of victory, with entire planetary populations turned over to supporting the war effort, no matter the cost. This is by far the most egregious of clichs utilised by writers to cover up gaping holes in their Chapter's background. (Homebrew) 40K fanedition - Archive - The 9th Age Some Trials are so arduous that the simple fact of an Aspirant's surviving it is sufficient to pronounce his victory. Settlement is generally limited to coastal regions or higher ground where the vegetation grows less thick. Fresh-Faced New User I've always wanted to make a pony army for Warhammer 40k since I became a brony (as I'm an avid Warhammer 40k player, and I love the blending of passions), and after watching "Ponyville Confidential" and seeing Twilight's forcefield, the final pieces of said army . Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. This is where you start to link the various elements and build an overall picture of your custom Chapter. Planetary assaults are a common type of warfare in the Imperium. Black Templars are filled with a righteous power and hatred for the witch and heretic, even beyond that of other Chapters. The simplest and most common names feature an attributive adjective, followed by the noun (such as "Dark Angels" or "Crimson Fists"). Other Aspirants might have to cross an entire continent of irradiated ash dunes, traverse an impassable mountain range, swim a predator-infested ocean or a hundred other such challenges. The Blood Angels excel in close combat, for example, where they focus the rage that is a result of the Flaw. The extreme hatred the Iron Hands hold for the weaknesses of the flesh is believed to gloss over an underlying psychological fear of their physical form. Indeed, there have been a number of occasions where Dark Angels have withdrawn suddenly and with no explanation from a warzone when confronted by an Inquisitor or missionary. Furthermore, wind-scoured wastes make ideal locations for the Space Marine Fortress-Monasteries, the harshness and inaccessibility of the environment only serving to bolster the Chapter's defences. Such deviation includes the fielding of specialised formations, such as the Dark Angels' uniquely specialised 1st and 2nd Companies, and such Chapters normally follow the Codex in other areas. Organ implantation goes hand in hand with a harsh routine of physical and spiritual training. Other Challenge Trials involve contests of strength, stamina, speed, skill or mental strength. Before begin your undertaking, there are two primary rules that you always want to adhere to when creating your own Space Marine Chapter: The Ultramarines Chapter, gathered for war. an Exposure Trial before being accepted in the ranks of the Chapters Neophytes are often stoic and dour in the face of discomfort and adversity, uncaring of environmental ills that others would find insurmountable. Generally, the people hold the Space Marines in awe, even if they rarely see them, and every family aspires to one of its sons being selected to serve in their ranks. Rather than fall into despair, the Iron Hands took refuge in their hate, and they have used that hatred to eliminate any perceived weakness so that they may remain strong. Subsets of this category involve worlds that have large regions dominated by swamps, moors, and fens. It is rare for such conflicts to involve the Imperial Guard or other military organisations, for the belligerents would not wish to draw the attentions of the Adeptus Terra, Keep in mind, High Gothic is basically pseudo-Latin, so there isn't an exact translation per se. There are myriad different ways in which pain can be applied, some primitive, others fiendishly inventive. Even before a new founding is announced, entire generations of Imperial servants may have toiled in preparation. Some Chapters specialise in this tactic, honing it to perfection so that the first and last thing an enemy sees of the Space Marines attack are the black contrails of dozens of drop pods streaking through the air, and Battle-Brothers disembarking inside his lines to gun him down with ruthless efficiency. Your Chapter's history can run the gamut from simply conducting raids on foul xenos to deeply connected endeavours, filled with intrigue, that interact with Inquisitors, Rogue Traders, and other servants of the Imperium. There are plenty of Chapters that prefer to maintain their secrecy and isolate themselves from nearby populations. Increases growth, enhances function of other organs, especially Biscopea and Ossmudula. Get the lastest community news through Games Workshop's official community website. A divergent Chapter is one that strays from the Codex Astartes, but not by a huge degree. Furthermore, there have been many instances when environmental conditions have made it impossible for Imperial Guard infantry to operate, and only the sealed tanks can be fielded. Many, even brother Astartes, find the Dark Angels aloof and uncommunicative. For over ten thousand years, the Adeptus Astartes have fought alongside and against other Space Marines in countless battles. 40K General Discussion - Forum - DakkaDakka The type of terrain in which a Chapter builds its Fortress-Monastery might have little bearing on its character, but may have plenty, especially if that terrain has shaped the qualities of the peoples from which it recruits. Many ocean worlds are also codified as Death Worlds, their seas teeming with predatory life forms. Sharper eyesight and enhanced low-light vision. It is likely that many Chapters have been created with a specific role in mind, whilst others have been founded due to a general increase in the activities of the Emperor's numerous enemies. Many such flaws are two-edged swords, providing unheard of benefits balanced against terrible drawbacks. How does the Chapter prefer to fight? It is treated as a community project and serves as both hints and guidelines. The temptation to have a character appearance of an Inquisitor should be resisted at all costs. You are free to edit it, if deemed appropriate. Despite this, there are some Chapters that have honed the art of a stealthy approach followed by an overwhelming assault to an art form, not least of which is the Raven Guard Chapter. Below are listed the most common types of Codex Demeanours found within the Adeptus Astartes: Below, is listed the most common gene-seed deficiencies found within most Adeptus Astartes Chapters: Some Chapters are afflicted by a flaw that transcends mere zygote mutation and comes to totally define them. Good examples of this would be Kevin's tactically flexible Regal Skulls or my the reckless duelists of The Swords of Davion. Just because there is a GW chapter that has something, doesn't mean it's a good thing to do for your chapter 'just because'. The Blood Angels Successor Chapters, with the exception of the Angels Vermillion, hold a deep respect and loyalty for the Blood Angels and stand united with their brethren with an intensity rarely found among the Successors of other Chapters.

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