At least one parking space per dwelling must have active charging provision, with the remainder passive provision. The design of buildings should help to enable the creation of well-designed public realm, parking and landscape to emerge through the design process. The most common technologies are solar PV and also solar thermal. July to October 2020: Call for Sites invited, November 2020 to March 2021: Public consultation Phase 1 on issues and approaches, new approaches for urban and rural communities, and a draft planning policy to inform preparation of our new Local Plan 2020, February 2022 to April 2022: Public consultation Phase 2 including: Urban Lifestyles potential site allocations and employment areas in Urban Areas and within Market Towns potential approaches to rural growth Strategic Green Infrastructure Renewable Energy Areas draft planning policies for growth, protection, site proposals and place discussions. Locals have their say on where Bristol's boundaries end Bradley Stoke Bookmark New train station. Given the timeframe for decommissioning, it will be important that the masterplan is an evolving document, and that phasing and review mechanisms for all relevant socio-economic and environmental considerations are built in. It must meet the needs of all users, including visitors and people with disabilities. The strategies for dealing with the different levels of waste vary according to their radioactivity characteristics, with higher activity wastes such as nuclear fuel having already been removed off site, intermediate level wastes being treated and packaged at Oldbury prior to being moved to Berkeley for long term storage until such time as a national geological disposal facility is available. As we publish this plan it has been an extraordinary and completely unprecedented six months for the country and for residents of South Gloucestershire. We will recruit and retain people with the right skills and provide the right culture, leadership, and environment for our staff to do their jobs to the best of their ability. Creating sustainable rural villages and settlements, Local Plan 2020 Phase 1 Issues and Approaches. We want to enhance private sector investment in our communities and amplify our voice to ensure we get recognition, and funding, from the Government which better reflects our contribution. These plans will continue to evolve to ensure they remain relevant in a time when change and uncertainty has become a constant. The location, site planning, layout and design parameters for construction operations and all NNB related buildings, infrastructure, and mitigation measures avoids, minimises, mitigates or compensates for community, economic, and environmental impacts on the local and wider area, both in the short and longer term. Where we hope to develop policies covering new topics, this is also indicated. The principles of radioactive waste management should also form an integral part of NNB DCO proposals. Applications for Development Consent Orders (DCOs) for NSIPs are made to the Planning Inspectorate (PINs), who examine and test the proposals against criteria on national need, benefits and impacts as set out in relevant policy. Passivhaus is an international energy standard for buildings. It also requires, where any residual carbon emissions remain, contributions towards carbon offsetting projects in the local area. In addition significant volumes of conventional waste such as concrete and hardstanding may also arise from the demolition and clearance of buildings and hardstandings. In respect of radioactive waste that may arise from a potential future NNB, National Policy Statement (NPS) EN-6 makes clear that each nuclear power station will have its own Intermediate Level Waste store on site until a national disposal facility becomes available. Further, for some specific groups within the local community inequality gaps are evident from early years, which continue throughout their education. New homes Between April 2006 and April 2019, 13,980 new homes were built, including 3,933 Affordable Homes. Site Allocations Sites & Criteria, CS4a Presumption in favour of sustainable development. Stroud tenant voice picked for national role - February 28, 2023 My house Enter your postcode for information on recycling, waste collections and council tax. By providing an early view on potential constraints and opportunities, this will inform the preparation of an evidence base to underpin the preparation of an SPD, the development of positive and sustainable development proposals for the NNB and its associated development. We have a valued heritage and green spaces and businesses that command high ambition and a presence on the global stage. Coastal change), Flood zone 3 across the Levels EA requirements for levels of protection for NNB Potential for development to increase risk elsewhere Existing flood risk in local settlements, To address flood risk problems at Oldbury on Severn and the Levels Contribute to delivery of the Shoreline Management Plan, Theme: Transport, including for example: construction materials, equipment, abnormal indivisible loads and workers, Unsuitability of much of the local road network for the volumes and scale of NNB vehicles The safety, amenity and access needs of local communities Congestion and capacity issues on the Strategic Road network, including motorway junctions The environmental sensitivity of the locality Emergency access requirements in times of flood, Utilise non-road transport solutions including sea and rail The use of temporary transport infrastructure Capturing worker movements where they will result in least impact on the road network Maximising use of public transport, cycling and walking Separation, control and enforcement of necessary NNB road traffic and parking from the local road network Addressing congestion on the strategic road network increase capacity at local motorway junctions Contribute to delivery of JLTP, through legacy transport links and Park and Ride/ Park and Share facilities, For operational reasons construction workers may need to be accommodated on site Location of NNB site in Flood Zone 3 (see above) Significant proportion of workers may seek functional low-cost accommodation Potential commuting zone up to 90 minutes Pressure on local private rented sector Limited tourist accommodation in South Glos. Ensuring local communities are not unbalanced or overwhelmed, Workforce surveys during construction could enable mitigation adjustments if needed Contributing legacy in terms of:o Serviced sites or housing in line with the Local Plan and Housing Market Assessmento Amenity or recreational facilities for community use, Theme: Environment (archaeology & historic environment, landscape & visual, ecology), Large scale NNB construction in environmentally sensitive Severn Levels and Estuary International, national and local biodiversity and heritage designations and assets A currently tranquil landscape with dark skies Requirement for Habitats Regulations Assessment Delivery of Biodiversity Net Gain Historic Levels landscape with high archaeological potential Extensive PRoW network including the Severn Way Even with rigorous approaches to impact avoidance / mitigation, significant residual impacts are likely Advance archaeological, biodiversity and visual assessments to inform site selection and planning, Maximise the use of brown field land at the existing power station to minimise both use of green fields and visual impact Advance landscape and biodiversity works to minimise NNB construction impacts Off-site compensatory habitat creation and planting to contribute to biodiversity networks and mitigate visual impact Phasing to restore land and habitat as soon as it is no longer needed for construction purposes, Although nuclear power generation is low carbon, construction methods vary in sustainability Need to ensure climate change resilience (see also Flooding theme above) Adjacent nuclear decommissioning and NNB sites. Proposals for the management or storage of radioactive waste, or the disposal of low level and or very low level waste at the Oldbury licensed site, will only be permitted where they are strongly justified and it is demonstrated that all of the following criteria are met: a) Waste is managed at the highest practicable level of the waste hierarchy; andb) Regard has been given to the proximity principle, and the need to minimise impacts on communities along transport routes from the site, andc) The environmental, social and economic impacts are acceptable and the benefits outweigh any negative effects; andd) Mechanisms are put in place to ensure appropriate records are kept and knowledge of the location, extent and nature of material remaining on site is available to plan makers, regulators, owners of the land and decision makers into the future, ande) The site will be controlled and regulated appropriately to ensure public health and environmental safety; andf) Measures are in place to mitigate risks from flood and climate change; andg) Issues such as perceived risk are fully addressed and explained, andh) Appropriate Community Benefits are secured to offset the intergenerational delay in the release and restoration of part of the Oldbury site, and to counter-balance any perceived impacts and negative perceptions from the presence of LLW on the site. We want to ensure that all South Gloucestershire residents lead safe and healthy lives and that they enjoy good quality health and social care which focuses on their individual needs and enables them to retain their independence. High streets, town and district centres, and local parades Uses and criteria, 53. The Core Strategy was adopted on 11 December 2013. South Gloucestershire is a diverse area consisting of the urban edges of Bristol, market towns and rural communities and the new approach seeks to create parking standards that reflect these diverse environments. The Local Plan for South Gloucestershire is currently formed by the Core Strategy, the Policies, Sites and Places (PSP) Plan and the Joint Waste Core Strategy. Schedule A Car Parking Provision Standards Residential, Schedule B Car Parking Provision Standards Non Residential, Schedule C Disabled User Parking Provision, Schedule D Cycle Parking Provision Standards, Motorcycle and Other Powered Two Wheelers. Future stages of the Local Plan are being planned to progress alongside the Spatial Development Strategy (SDS) and more details will be provided as the SDS reaches criticial milestones. This is currently scheduled to take place in late 2023. Renewable and/or low carbon energy supplies include, but not exclusively, those from biomass and energy crops, combined heat and power, waste heat from industrial processes, energy from waste, ground, water and air source heating and cooling, hydro, solar thermal, solar photovoltaic generation and wind power. preparation of a new West of England Mayoral Plan The Spatial Development Strategy. Junction 12 (Gloucester fringe) and M5 Junction 14 (located within South Gloucestershire). We will continue to work with our partners on the West of England Combined Authority to drive investment in our town centres, following the approach currently being taken in Kingswood, the North Fringe and Yate, ensuring supporting infrastructure keeps up with the pace of development through enhancements to Metrobus, cycling infrastructure and rail services. Where public realm is required or provided, it should be accessible, attractive, functional, safe, varied, and interesting, to encourage social interaction. This is particularly true of those policies which set out, or are linked to, the strategy for growth/change of homes, jobs, shops and transport. But we have also drawn on the opportunities that have emerged from the emergency response to the pandemic in looking forward to the new norm; identifying new and better ways to keep residents informed, and working with individuals and groups who have stepped up during this time to help communities play an active role in finding local answers to local issues. You can read more in the Action Plans 17 20 document. Given the scale, complexity and duration of larger NSIPs, mechanisms and contingencies to enable the modification of mitigation to address unanticipated project impacts. Surveillance and overlooking into rear parking courts can be restricted by property boundaries meaning residents do not have a direct view of their vehicles. It is important to engage with local communities at an early stage in the development process. Temporary buildings, structures and other infrastructure are removed, and/orii. This is necessary to ensure that heating systems are decarbonised and move away from fossil fuel systems (i.e. Through the likes of the innovation cluster that identifies as the South Gloucestershire Tec Arc, through the emergence of unique leisure experiences in the North Fringe, through our market towns and rural tranquillity, but also our transport and digital connectivity; we have virtues that we are keen to promote. Further updates and evidence will be added to this page to support production of the new Local Plan. Such assessments should be comprehensive and address the evolution of the projects impact over key phases of construction, operation, decommissioning and restoration. Do you think there are any other issues we should consider in this policy? B8 Uses and Distribution: Locational Criteria, 49. Parking to fronts should be enhanced by the use of finer paving materials and attention to landscaping between spaces essentially creating good driveways. A classified heat network is a heat network with a definite plan to become 100% renewable within a reasonable time scale, is constructed to a high quality (in accordance with appropriate technical standards, currently CIBSE code of practice), offers a fair and affordable price to consumers, and provides annual reporting on their performance and carbon content. Planning out space for private vehicle parking to create better places. Income generation for community infrastructure purposes does not form a material consideration in planning decisions. This process should allow for some flexibility to support innovative design approaches and be based on the most positive character elements found in the area. The fourth part of the sequential approach is for renewable energy generation technologies to be incorporated into development proposals as much as possible as set out in Clause 1d. There is also an updated online map which displays sites submitted during . We are committed to providing services like these to the high possible standard as cost-effectively as we can. Supporting the aspirations of our diverse communities is at the heart of our plans and we will engage with you and your community to identify and help meet your current and future needs, so that everyone can have their voices heard. The Phase 1 consultation ran from 27 November 2020 to 1 March 2021. Specific on-site requirements for Residential Development. 61.2 crimes per 1,000 population, lower than both the south west and England & Wales averages (67.8 and 88.9 per 1,000) respectively. Design measures can help to reduce the need for heating and cooling, as well as power. In our most recent budget consultation, you told us that you are satisfied with the way the council works and that we deliver value for money. We want to build on those positive relationships, encouraging community-focused engagement with the voluntary sector, businesses and other key stakeholders. This should be calculated using the latest Building Regulations Standard Assessment Procedure for Energy Rating of dwellings (SAP) methodology, which covers regulated energy use, and also includes guidance on estimating unregulated energy use. It is only in the development of flats where evidence has shown that it may be more difficult to meet a higher on-site target, so in these cases a 35% on-site target is set instead. In December 2019, the average price paid for a residential property in South Gloucestershire was 275,000, which is considerably higher than the regional (South West) and national (England) averages (253,000 and 243,950 respectively). It is a big challenge, but we recognise the threats to our area extensive parts of South Gloucestershire are subject to flood risk and the impacts of drought, high winds, and other extreme weather events due to climate change.At the same time, our natural environment and biodiversity are under growing pressure presenting significant risks for food production, our health and economy.We have made addressing these crises a central priority and overarching theme across our Climate Emergency Action Plan and, working with our partners, residents and communities, we will take action to protect, restore and improve our natural surroundings with a focus on woodland, grassland and wetland habitats. The masterplan, including any necessary revisions, and individual proposals should seek to minimise impact on and maximise benefits and positive legacy for communities, the economy and the environment, including by: Securing sustainable and beneficial use and/or reuse and restoration of the site in terms of both interim and end states; and Protecting the site for high quality employment uses and/or green energy related uses in both in the near and longer term, while also: Ensuring that both the proposed works and their timing avoids impact on biodiversity designations and protected species, and where possible restoring, enhancing and managing Priority Habitats; Reinstating the habitat value of lagoon 3 for bird species associated with the designations on the Severn Estuary Conserving and where appropriate enhancing landscape character and visual amenity of the site and the locality including views across the local and wider landscape and estuary; Undertaking detailed archaeological and geoarchaeological assessment and investigation, recording and publication where development may impact on buried archaeological and environmental remains; Protecting the routes and amenity of the Severn Way and other PRoW links; Ensuring that any associated transport proposals are effectively controlled to avoid impact on local communities and ensure the safety of other road users; Demonstrating resilience to climate change and any increase in flood risk. In order to avoid impacts on social, health and community services and facilities serving existing communties, early delivery may be needed. South Gloucestershire Council to drop regional growth plan 15 January 2020 Getty Images The regional scheme outlined plans for 105,000 new homes A second council is set to abandon the joint. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? The fund will be administered by the Council and will be collected via Section 106 agreements. This is also supported by existing information on vehicles ownership and use in South Gloucestershire gathered through the 2011 census, however it is recognised that this was gathered nine years ago and a new census is due in 2021. We host key junctions for five motorways, both Severn crossings, have high speed rail lines to London and South Wales and have a large international port and airport nearby. determination of any planning applications for proposals related to the NNB proposal; andiv. Town and Parish Councils are integral to community engagement. 21. Local economic and community benefits should be maximised through agreement and early implementation of social, education, training, economic, environmental and transport strategies. Should pre-application advice be required in advance of a PPA, the Councils approved pre-application charges for NSIPs as set out in the Councils Charging Schedule will apply. Do you agree with our proposed policy approach? The West Somerset Local Plan was adopted in November 2016. The following tables set out the types of policies we currently hope to include in our new Local Plan. The South Gloucestershire policies map is an interactive map that displays the policies of the development plan. Beyond secondary education we will work closely with local colleges and universities to ensure further and higher education offers are accessible to young people and that local provision is sufficient to meet the needs of all new entrants and those seeking places to re-train and re-skill. 5) Uses, homes and buildingsDevelopments at any scale must function well and create positive and adaptable living environments. But above all, it is local. It is no surprise then that demand for housing is high and increasing. Nationally Important Infrastructure Projects (NSIPS) and related development, Parking Requirements, including Electric Vehicles. On-site measures should be prioritised over carbon offsetting payments. We will confirm if we are able to accept the submission. The masterplan proposals will also need to address the sensitivity of the site and its surrounding environment, including but not limited to, consideration of the effects on: The international and national designations on the estuary, including avoiding disturbance to protected wildlife both on the estuary and the levels, reversing biodiversity decline at Lagoon 3 and delivering net gain; The high archaeological potential of the Severn Levels and the potential for surface or sub surface features and finds. The open character of the surrounding Levels Landscape Flood risk The capacity of the road network, effects on residential settlement and the safety of other road users protecting the amenity of local communities, including along transport routes; ensuring flood and climate change resilience as well as the protection of air and water quality, and the distinctive rural character of the surrounding landscape and the public rights of way network, including the Severn Way, for interim states as well as end state. The existing reactor buildings, with their distinctive blue and white stripes that form a distinctive feature of the local landscape and are locally listed. Where possible, our priority is to prioritise development where it supports regeneration of existing town centres, high streets and communities and promotes the sustainability of existing services. This document is the first we have produced as we begin the process of producing our new Local Plan. For the purposes of this Policy, and in recognition of the potential of NNB to have wide ranging effects, the Council considers the following are neighbouring or relevant local authorities : Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset, North Somerset, Wiltshire, Somerset, Sedgemoor, Mendip, Stroud, Gloucestershire, Cotswold, Forest of Dean, Monmouthshire, Gloucester City, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. Further detail regarding sustainable design and construction methods will be provided in a new policy, which will be brought forward through future stages of preparing the Local Plan 2020. To this end, we are updating our evidence base through preparing a Renewable Energy Resource Assessment Study (RERAS), and through doing so we will identify suitable areas for renewable and low carbon energy generation and related infrastructure. Equally, many of our priorities and commitments dont stop at our boundaries. In addition to contributions, the Council may also require packages of community benefits to be provided by the developer to offset and compensate the community for the burden imposed by hosting the project. These are the minimum requirements for energy efficiency and on-site renewable energy generation that must be met. Overall health in South Gloucestershire is good and improving, and life expectancy is higher than the national average.

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