Why didnt you tell me I was having you use your abilities too much? He immediately asks as he walks in. The beeping sound found its way into your head, it was anno, Why cant you just pick me? He gives me a small smile and pulls me into a hug. The head of the country glared at Sam, who sat on the other side of the desk keeping a straight, calm face, contrary to what he felt on the inside. Everyone began fighting the withers, trying to save whatever is left after the explosions. His chapped lips made contact with the top of your head and you looked up at Quackity, making tender eye contact with him. You loved it when he hummed or chuckled, especially when you could feel it resounding in his chest. I find a place to grab onto about 10 feet away from the landing Im standing on. So again, thank you to everyone who likes what we do and has supported us over the past month <3, Glatt and I wanted to do different things: Im into song fics, Glatt wanted prompts. #eret ], (Snagged it off of fanpop. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp." you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink. Its also loosely based on the song Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes. You get both :D Glatt and I have picked 10 prompts/song lyrics each, to which you can choose one and a character and well write you a thing! But as I stood up I realized, I hate loud noises. Future Failure Hello! Hope you're doing well. Could I request He hadn't meant to be heard. Kill me, Phil. Francis heaved a deep sigh of impatience, moving both hands against one another in a vain effort to drive back the cold of winter. Y/n wiped at her eyes, turning back to the group. Well, his singing definitely comes in handy, whether it be you had a bad day, cant sleep, etc. What are you doing little one? Techno asked as he got closer. Besides, you're going over to a friend's house; hopefully, he won't be too mad. Quackity x Reader | Archive of Our Own Schlatt: Back to Back. Snapping silly random pics and sending them, hoping for silly stupid pics back to save, that and facetiming. Its weird, having people know you better than you know yourself. mcyt x reader oneshots - i want you (quackity) - Wattpad Y/N came to a halt. I could hear Tonys frustrated sigh through the earpiece. Either playing minecraft and annoying the shit out of you or blowing your phone out at like 2 am and being like hey bitch guess what? Quackitys arm draped lightly on your side. like if you just crawl onto the bed behind him & hug him? They chuckled, Quackity im covered in flour. He pulled her closer grumbling, Dont care. He straightened up placing a soft kiss on their cheek. DID YOU HEAR ME I SAID GET ME MORE ALCOHOL! Schlatt screamed. Through all the chaos, Philza made his way home. Alex turns his phone around, showing you to his stream. simping. just anytime you cuddle, he would always head for you chest he just finds it comfy:D if you have stretch marks get ready to have them kissed he just loves you so goddamn much Wilbur he wouldn't really care he's just like "Physical appearance does not matter to me" so if you're ever insecure, he's always there Within a few minutes, you two fell asleep in each others arms, blissfully unaware of the Gilberts soft Kesesesese~ sounding laughter as his footsteps receded down the hall and away from the lovers. Nein, of course not! Holding you close. Apparently, HYDRA isnt completely gone as we had thought. I ignore him, and sprint forward, launching towards the pipe that I pray will hold my weight. He'll wrap his arms around you and lightly stroke your hair. Quackity looked up smiling placing one hand on their waist. I hold on, momentarily forgetting my fear. I honestly dont care about Starks lectures at this point, throwing objects is fun. But not just you; they had fangirls all over the world. I GOT WAY TOO BUSY WITH WORK AND SCHOOL AND STREAMING THAT I COMPLETELY FORGOT! You should see the look on her face, Tommy says, somewhat annoyed. Quackity loves your smile, that and your voice. The glass shattered against the wall when he threw it. He cherishes cuddles. Oh wow, Purpled this is amazing, she whispered as she made her way up to the plaque so she could read what it said. In other words Ludwig really wish he didnt have the mind of a sex maniac. As you sat down you let out a sigh of relief. They used to have so many dreams. Wait, before we leave, Ghostbur said looking at Y/n, Why do you look familiar?. Especially if he got stressed over work. Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled. You take your keys and head out, the pale moon engulfing the sky. The ceiling fell, pieces of it falling on the guards, falling on me. Quackity walked up behind her wrapping his arms around their waist. So go check my masterlist, Orange - In Progress: Im currently writing it, Yellow - Complete: Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Red - Delayed: Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Pink - Queued: Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. And Alex couldnt seem to let go of my hand, but Im not complaining. But it was said by a traitor who was once part of L'manberg, named Eret. Hey! He likes to lay his head on your lap. Oh, Tommys fine. - youre gay- can read- support gay people- want to hold a match between your fingers as you wander the halls of an ancient castle because its your only source of light amidst the ghosts of people long past- are an antelope- or want a chocolate bar. you choose <3, he cares about you very much and he shows it, every morning (even if you guys are in different time zones) you receive a good morning text, good morning beautiful, did you sleep well? Tommy Give me my phone back! I yell reaching for it. He has too much pride to want to cuddle. He wanted to start over. Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? And yes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. As I approach the door, I take a breath, making sure that I want to do this. :], Karl would most definitely want to share his happiness of having you with his fans, and if youre ok with it, hell write little appreciation tweets for you <3, but if you dont want much attention drawn to you, Karl would be very chill abt it and respect you, this sounds clich but falling asleep on call, for example - you or him couldnt fall asleep and called the other to ask whats the best medicine to take to fall asleep but you guys end up chatting till 4am, if you fall asleep first, hell get real quiet and just enjoy the fact that talking to him makes you so calm that you can fall asleep, if you guys are facetiming, Karl will just stare at your peaceful sleeping face for a bit and then end the call with a grin on his face, the first times you were a bit shy and didnt show your face, just talked time to time, when you got comfortable, you turned on your camera on the discord call :], Karl was very happy to see you comfy with him and his fans, the chat are swooning and calling you very pretty/handsome/gorgeous. #jschlatt Enough! They were a national phenomenon. Youll just have to wait and see missy, He replies. Only your husband, Ludwig was missing. When we started, we had no idea how far wed go, but reaching this milestone made us realize were in it for the long haul. [CH] : Hey! You've never done this before, but there's always time for a new experience. We spent the rest of the night laughing and having fun. It was your good friend Dave that was bothering you. Hes her reason to stay alive even when things get tough. Hey! Can request for me to post it sooner than planned), Requests are Open!! A/N: A shorter one this time! Well, as free as he could conceivably construct in his mind. "Can you stop that-" Sam started, monotoned. Also I got carried away with ideas so this is gonna be a full series called Espresso and Records! I walk faster as I see the place where a hidden door lies. Tommy where are we going? I ask for about the third time during our little night drive. Tommys yelling is fine but, fireworks? , he said, using his mother language. Worked for the success of Manburg. (see the dream team & co. through my eyes! "What the fuck did you just say?" Finished but not posted, sitting in drafts for when I get writers block (If you are curious about the story, you can request for it to be posted early), Im either having trouble with the storyline or I have too many drafts to catch up on, Written but not gonna post it for a while (Mostly only for things not requested. Nope, that doesnt help at all, Tony responds. Okay, I take that back, Im about to fall to my literal death.. I promise. He sticks his pinky out for me to link with mine. I meant to post this months ago but i forgot about it and it has sat in my drafts ever since. A/N: IT IS SO HARD TO QUOTE WILBUR BECAUSE HE KEPT SAYING UMM AND WOULD JUST RANDOMLY END A SENTENCE AND START TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE. Smiling Y/n responded, I love you too., Includes: Badboyhalo, Technoblade, Sapnap, Dream, Quackity, Warnings: Alcohol, Angst, Fighting, Language, I dont mean to be annoying and this is the only time Ill send this but I was wondering if you got my request for the platonic Quackity x reader. I grab onto it and I dont let go. . Releasing her he walked over to the jukebox. You have no clue how hard it has been without you, he said pulling away to look at Y/n. O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Shes gone and there is nothing I can do about it. She was gone Now, there was no one here to stop me from my reckless thinking. Does that help? I respond in between breaths. hihi this is a Quackity x reader fanfic !! I said no. She said, trying to keep her voice steady. #georgenotfound Y/n, were gonna need you to go undercover for this mission, Tony said after briefing everyone on what had happened. Cw: use of Gods name (not sure if it needs to be here, but just in case ofc), just Quackity being a simp. #dreamwastaken Once full of life and love. You arrived at the building with the internationally known sign of a red cross pasted onto a white background. I unlock my phone to see multiple messages from the boys. V alue - How important is the relationship to them? A couple of hours later I find myself in the med bay getting my wounds treated when Peter walks in looking upset. "To finish your stupid fucking tower." You were the happiest on earth and you gently stroked his tiny back. I better end this before Big Q and N/n get into another fight. #dreamsmp If you know the artist, please tell me and I shall give proper credits and link back to the original picture.). X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Hov could you think zhat?. What was the first kiss like? And trust me when I say youll not be happy with that! Tommy says as he takes a corner way too fucking fast. All translations in the description Was?! If he glanced behind himself he could still catch sight of his ship resting on the waters quite a distance away, although near enough that he didnt feel, thank God, abandoned. Sam sighed. Your the first on the anon list! Im tired, physically and mentally, I just want a break. But shes not there, shes gone. Hey mi Cario/a his tired lips uttered back, the ends of them curling upwards at your flustered state curtsy of his chosen pet name. note: these are literally all the pictures that I collected making the other two that I didnt get the chance to use, but I really liked them, and I wanted them to be used, so I made this. Seems that either he responded or someone else is pestering you on Pesterchum. Umm, I dont know where I am. It seemed like he was reading your thoughts as before you even think of another he adjusted both your positions so that he lips were by your ear and with a slight roughness to his voice he whispered I love you more than anything could ever even begin to explain, God youre such a simp you lowly chuckled, trying to ignore the cluster of butterflies currently swarming your stomach full of jittery happiness. Quackity asked. Look up idiot, I hear Peter say from both my earpiece and from above me. #philza He tries to be romantic, although he fails alot of time time, he mainly just tries to be goofy and play it off, or hell actually be romantic and surprise himself, hes rather cliche. You were so entirely in love with Quackity that happiness was all you could feel in the moment but at the same time you were nearly afraid that this small moment would end all too soon. Fireworks sound outside and cries of battle can be heard. A look of worry, and guilt crossing his face. His face was angry as he sat back down in his chair. Are they empathetic? But I want you +. "Exactly y/n, you start with your heading, you say dear and then the person you are talkin. In 2020, 27% of US Tumblr users had an annual household income of over $100,000. Sincerely- A Quackity X Reader by stan/vana 400K 14.4K 42 Mrs T clapped her hands, eyebrows raised and a smile curving at her lips. But she wanted him back. Your legs intertwining. The hospital. I cant be reminded of her shagged breaths, pained whimpers, or scream of pain as the blade pierced her skin. But as she went to thank all of them, a ghostly voice made her freeze. I sigh, laying back further in my seat. In the area around L'manberg I reply, knowing damn well he knows where we are. Geez! This causes you to laugh harder. Ugh, could this get any worse? But he thought she lost her last Canon Life, he snapped and blew up L'manburg. They did it. He loves giving you forehead kisses and being the big spoon! Do you really expect me to? Ludwig bookmarked his page and set it down on the table near. He wants to hold you but at the same time be held. But when he's drunk he's a big snuggler. See, the boys are very protective of me. Somehow, HYDRA had caught on to what Ive been doing. At least twice a day Peter would ask me to get him something. Holy shit! In which (y/n) falls in love with Quackity . He runs outside, everyone else following. How do you handle Tommys yelling and screaming them? He looks worried, but I just chuckle. He was getting lost in his thoughts. Me being one of the only girls along with Niki has its perks. Tears were forming as Y/n read this. How are you here?. Y/n was in the kitchen baking fresh bread. The nation we worked so hard to keep, was gone, one big crater. Hey, whats more romantic than you coming to my rescue? I respond sarcastically. Your relationship is worth more than his career! Im sorry if your tall but for the sake of the story the reader is short. Sam left the room, Charlie following to see him out of the area and make sure he would finish the tower. Fuck, I mumble under my breath as I feel the tension in my shoulders. God, Im so tired. , hov many times do I have to say zhat? he said, his gaze flickering towards you in for a second. TG: how about you and me go for some ice cream tomorrow and drop sick beats like the, You lie on your bed, looking at the ceiling. That is, until Tommy set off the first firework and I jump back. So boom! Sam said, equally annoyed. Maybe Nat should do this one.. Alice C!Jschlatt x Reader--Short Oneshot #technoblade A cozy little house. Ludwiggggggggg! his eye twitched and a light pink blossomed across his cheeks as you laid across his lap, there was honestly no need to do this other than the fact that you wanted to and ma, You wore black combat boots, camis, and a sparkly corset in the pattern of the German flag. It had all three members on itPrussia, France, and Spain, looking as great as they always did. I like constructive criticism too, so I can improve as a writer. (Fluff alphabet by @magical-warlock !! Im just trying to help, watch your language!. But at what cost? However, h, Over Dramatic (Germany x Reader) It seems that you have been relocated and your tracker has been deactivated, a voice that could only belong to Captain Steve Rogers himself. Wilbur wasnt by her side when she woke, and he was too calm while he held her during what she thought were her last moments. The gentle tapping of the rain as it pelted the walls and roof of your home was the only thing else to be heard than the quiet keys being clicked by nimble fingers. LUDWIG!!!!" Chapter Summary - Dream uses Y/n to make Wilbur easier to manipulate. "I'm moving back to Italy with fratello's. Of course! Well, why dont we go outside with the others? He asks, stretching his hand out for me to grab. Sam's jaw clenched. Youd just finished putting up your newest poster of your favorite band, Bad Touch. Yup, I do, Phil says with his arms crossed. Purpled made this for you. . They were currently your obsession. anon quackity x reader dream smp x reader mcyt x reader angst quackity x y/n quackity x you horned reader tw self harm tw panic attack. when others are watching? I highly recommend it for when youre doing literally anything. You knew Germany wou, Friday evening, it was always a night full of sweet relief and laziness. <3 Chapter 3 will be out soon! im sure blade appreciates the compliment on their fic <33 - glatt, Hello everyone! Hey Alex says quietly, using if hand to gently turn my head to face him. We stayed like that until Tommy had run out of fireworks to light. Youre my son! Tears threatened to spill. Alright Y/n, I need you to tell us where you are. Y/N worked with him. I freeze at the sound of Peters voice. This is my first ever Y/n so I hope I did okay. His hands were warm on my ears, and I couldnt seem to make myself look away from his eyes. He said hed be done in five minutes, he said that 30 minutes ago. Ur my boy/girlfriend now ha. C!Jschlatt x Reader-Short Oneshot. That is when he's sober. So I keep scrolling to find this. Hey chat! I say waving at the camera even if I feel like a complete idiot doing so. Withers had been spawned at his command and chaos had started. Then some more clicking and more yelling, until I heard more voices connect to my earpiece. yelling at the top of your lungs simultaneously, you and quackity "singing" along the taylor swift song playing on his radio - it mattered not if the song was beautifully sang for the meaning was heard by the way the two of you were screaming out loud. U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Summary: Y/ns boyfriend, Peter, uses Y/ns powers a little too carelessly. Do you really want to take that risk? Phil asks me, I can hear the hope in his voice that I wont take the risk. "Look chat! the blonde asked in concerned. Hey! How do they express their feelings? How are they fighting? You dont need any more alcohol. She retorted. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. Not to mention writing everyone reacting to her dying, (Everyone loves Y/n, it doesnt matter what side of the fight shes on. I started writing it but then I got stuck . In front of her were the large dark oak doors leading to Schlatts office. -- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering chumHandle [CH] -- , of course not! He quickly sits down next to me and covers my ears with his hands. Whatever you say, babe, Peter says grinning. What do you two think you are doing on the ground? Tommy called out from the distance. Another click is heard signaling another person joining the comns. Big Q immediately answers this and Im not surprised. But it wasnt like there was any difficulty finding him. Well talk to you idiots later! Tommy says. He tended to her healing wounds, and even though he wished he didnt need to, he told her what had happened. I freed myself from Tommys hold and ran down the path to the crowd. All he knows is he wants to live with you and spend his days with you, he hasnt really thought about the finer details like kids/marriage and all that crap. My L'manberg, Phil, my unfinished symphony forever unfinished. additionally, this is not a schlatt slander account. Can you build a fucking Eiffel Tower?" #punz I laugh, at Tommys face. Karl, Wilbur, Quackity, and Sapnap with insecure plus-sized s/o Are you saying you like the book more than me? you mockingly gasped melodramatically. I laugh and put on a headset, pulling the extra microphone over to me. Do they love to kiss and cuddle? I ponder that question for a minute. Quackity sighed as he looked at the blueprint plans in front of him. Im gonna take that silence as you are in that building. Warnings: Alcohol, Angst, Fighting, Language Reader: She/Her, irl!mcyts having a long-distance relationship w you! Note: In 1st person. Do it, do it or they will!. <3, you just woke up and youre already hit by a cuteness overload, you tell him how you slept and send a wholesome meme too, and if you havent slept well or just dont feel well, he will suggest talking abt it, if you want to talk about it, get ready for a 2 hours facetime session with your favorite therapist/boyfriend. It never mattered what side of a war you were on, we still loved you and you were still there for us. Multiple byes and see yas can be heard from the call before Tommy logs off. #quackity x male reader | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumpik The broken and battered buildings loomed over you like the remains of a shattered nation. He loves for you to lay your head on his chest. Alice C!Quackity x Reader: A Short Dance What are you doing? A voice says behind me. You should knov that I love you more than life itself. Quit boosting her ego! Clasping an empty whiskey bottle in his hand. That's what this was, what Las Nevadas is supposed to be, and as soon as it is finished, he'll be free. But my annoyance with Peter is overruling my need to cuddle with him. Summary: Y/n meets up with the dspm gang for the first time. knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 1)), knight in netherite (knight!technoblade (pt 2)), wilbur (tommy's older sibling!reader) (pt 1), wilbur (tubbo's older sibling! Turn that off! Both laying on your sides face to face. Sighing, you leaned back and waited his response, quietly . And it is the best get together I could have asked for. Both laying on your sides face to face. It was a rainy tuesday afternoon, the droplets of rain drove down your window with determination racing one another in the battle of a lifetime. You were the best sister and friend any of us could have asked for. He likes to see your face. Y/n could have deactivated it like she threatened so many times.. You weren't surprised when you saw your good friend Feliciano springing along amongst the snow like an over excited child, his small brown curl bouncing slightly with every leap of faith he took to get further into the thickening snow. As soon as she got passed the door tears fell down her face. Its fun, especially when you get competitive, he loves to see you excited about it. Hope you enjoy! ), Who Could Ever Hurt You? The drive takes another 30 minutes before Tommy turns into a parking lot. Lets cuddle, Luddy, you said, tugging at your sexy German boyfriends shirt sleeve from where you sat beside him on the couch. #callahan He just comes up and full on lays on you. Happy Fourth of July everyone! Tommy said through the discord as he and the rest of the gang streamed. Knowing (name) she was probably being bullied or chased again by his older bruder and his dummkopf friends, since she was the youngest of the Vagras brother Lovino and Feliciano. Texting them alot!! Can request for me to post it sooner than planned). "Oh whatever Y/n.". Okay, so I take a deep breath. Your boyfriend lazily pushed some of his hair out of his eyes making you bring a hand up to his level and ruffle it all up completely watching as his face contorted into displeasure. YESSSSSSS! you cheered and nearly glomped him. He looks from me to the watermarks on his shirt, and back again. I swear! But the past is in the past. I say. How do they deal with it? Thats when he turns back to face me. The whole call bursts out laughing and Im reminded of how much I want to meet them all in person. Y/N worked with him. Peter sits down on the bed, pressing a kiss to my head. I walk in without another thought and I immediately feel in control. There was nothing that needed to be done, or at least right then and there. I look at all their faces, theyre horrified that I would do something like this. Prompt: "This used to be a great country but you are destroying it.". He floundered over and sank down next to you on the sofa, letting his body relax up against the soft material. Murder me now!, I cant, he says. #quackity Oh god, Y/n what happened to you? Philza asked as he rushed to grab healing potions and bandages, before kneeling by her unconscious body. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. They didnt know how shed react to seeing this new version of her lover. Consider yourself lucky." Especially if he got stressed over work. See, thats the thing, I know that what Im about to do is wrong, but without her voice, I cant force myself to stop. If I knew Y/n was out there, right now, alive, I wouldnt do it. N/n and I have to go. This idea was originally supposed to be for the Two Ghosts fic but I think it went to far off track, so I separated it with the intention of writing it out as a stand alone fic. Games! I could also hear clicking from his end and yelling that sounded like him asking for his tracking password. Leaving them all shocked, but they had to get past that because they have to worry about the traitor who is now very pissed over the fact that Dream killed Y/n. Your the first on the anon list! But Itll be done sometime this night! When she was younger Wilbur, fundy, and her left Sally. Please answer them before they start bugging me, Tommy says, handing his phone to me and then leaning on the car. Your shoes clicked against the ruined streets of Berlin with each step. There won't be any smut and I will be using they/them pronouns for the reader although i'll probably direct it more towards fem readers. It's just so comforting to him. Phil I havent been this close to pressing this button since Y/n stopped me last time! I yell, losing my hold on sanity. A/N: I- I had to stop writing after Wilbur tells Y/n Close your eyes and rest my love because I was crying so hard. But when he's drunk he's a big snuggler. cuddles with quackity quackity x reader ; fluff ; requested masterlist this dork gets so excited for cuddles you don't understand he is so happy whenever you ask to cuddle & will just drop whatever he's doing to cuddle you he gets so happy when you fall asleep on him or while holding him or whatever he gets so proud about it for some reason Should be. She dashed over to Y/n and pulled her into the tightest hug she had ever given. Theyre fighting! Hey, babe? Your legs intertwining. His office, located smack dab in the center of Las Nevadas above the Casino was illuminated by the lights. Everything could be done tomorrow or the next day. I reach out and grab the one thing that will either give me a chance to escape or might end my life. When chat first started spamming it, about a year ago, Tommy had freaked out.

Iida Banjo 1958, Cheesecake Factory Whiskey Ginger Recipe, Railroad Spike Twisting Wrench, Articles Q