But it still made him feel uncomfortable, in a foreboding way that he really didnt like. Tony's face is still flushed, his chest pink with exertion against the Tesseract-blue of his arc reactor. Sex isn't very important to me. She grins back, not entirely unprotected, but close. Yet, here she was wide awake with a pain in her back, her baby doing what felt like flips and her stomach growling. Danny, Luke, Ava, Nova, Aunt Nat, Mom, Dad, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Sam, Uncle Rohdey, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Vision, Scott, T'challa, Shuri, and Aunt May. Tony knocks back his bottle and glares at his science-brother. Title from Eres t by Carla Morrison of course. The thought is kind of baffling. He spends a moment taking stock of the situation; realizes that said dick probably belongs to Tony (and so does the chest that's pressed against his back), remembers that he'd fallen asleep in Tony's bed and the billionaire had let him, and that at some point there had been allusions to sober sex. It's not until he hears the yelled Hey- ow! Ayelet was a half-terran, half-Zen-Whoberis, one of the last of her kind. Ask Pepper. Peter said. "Okay okay, never have I ever not went to midtown high school" Clint said, taking a shot. Earlier in the day they fought against enchanted trees and not just one but two mad scientists, which explained why they were so exhausted and in need of a good game to play. Tony grinds down against him, and Clint's hands settle on his hips on their own accord. Here's nice. After another round of raucous laughter, Peter pulled himself together enough to keep the game going. Yeah. "Eh, you were in Florida," I say brushing it off. Can I just crash here? He grimaces at the awkward phrasing, but Tony nods and scoots over. Thank you, she says and takes it, before turning her head towards Tony. It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. Edit* I've decided to just make this one shots, not just field tr Do you know how once you are doing somethingyou instantlyknow you shouldn't have even thought about doing it? You didn't wake me up? Clint manages around a yawn and presses into Tony's warm hands. Clint curses softly once he's gone and picks his bow back up. Steve asked. And why is it that the only boy she can talk to is her ex? On really slow nights, when they're bored. The top of the rod was bent so I had to wait for it to break before I got out. Which I'm gonna lie in, whether you're in it or not.. Plus, you'd probably unconsciously stab me to death or something., A warm huff of breath against his neck. I steal Ned and Tonys clothes. and other people I can't remember right now. We dated." So he kisses her because she's beautiful, and awesome, and cool, and also pretty. Never have I ever been in more than a hundred countries. He takes a sip of Bailey's, and Clint, Natasha and Tony follow his lead. Natasha huffs a laugh and pulls back. "You know what this line of work is like dad, and it was only one time," I say and the rest of the team nods as we did it together and then sworn not. Shit like that., Yes, Clint is right, Steve says seriously. Flash question was exactly the kind he expected from him. #peterparker The fuck, Clint? "We still playing or what? Maybe it would just be funny. #spiderson He's too tired and strung out for anything acrobatic, but he still finds his way to Tony's room. Always the goddamn red velvet, Clint sighs to himself. ! They all seemed to collectively cry. "Never have I ever missed a Decathlon practice.". Quit whining and drink up you perv, was all Rhodey said in answer. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Clint snorts into the good Captain's neck. JARVIS won't be there to pick you up if you start choking on your own vomit.. They all turned to Nat. Sometimes randomly, even. AU of the avengers where they are all in highschool in present time and it will probably not go anywhere but enjoy anyway lol. Peter almost screamed, but in his dazed state (caused by the worried MJ) he didn't do anything, just let his friend roll up his oversized sleeve to reveal muscles and A giant cut, from his elbow towards his shoulder. Tony is a terrible influence on everything ever. And Nat calls Clint the happy drunk, hah. But Devi Vishwakumar was something else entirely. So, what's this, then? Clint asks and smiles. Should we proceed? Once Clint is in bed, Tony makes a quiet, questioning noise and actually rolls over to plant his face firmly in the crook of Clint's neck. It's strangely nice. I may be putting a few not field trip one shots because I feel like it but most will be field trip. This is my first fanfiction EVER, so please don't judge me too hard. Natasha's mouth quirks upwards in what, on a lesser person's face, would constitute as a fond smile. I WAS BORED SO DON'T KILL ME FOR THE RANDOMNESS PLEASE "So," asked Natasha. Team Red aka Deadpool, Daredevil and Spider-man That's all I have to say, so goodbye, until next time, and thank you all (again)! I ran away from the foster care system and lived on the streets for a while before joining the circus. "Even if you don't believe the internship, I have heard from his Aunt May that he was saved by Iron Man at the Stark Expo when he was younger, so he has definitely seen the guy very close. Yes, Tony, Bruce says in his indulgent and slightly patronising tone, and Clint has another giggle-fit into Nat's shoulder. Ey! The building came down and I couldn't leave because we were fighting while the building was burning and I got stabbed through the chest with a metal rod. Thor seems to think it's all hysterical. Tony smirked, leaning forward in his seat and looking down at a blushing Peter. Tony just shrugs with a tilted smile. Your virtues are all intact. He pauses. All the hero worship around Captain America, someone was bound to try to tap that whether you showed interest or not.. That was pretty above-average, Orion, and you know it.. Tony winces. I can go without the Other Guy making an entrance., The things I do for science, Tony says and blows Bruce a kiss. When Clint wakes the next morning, cotton-mouthed and heavy with a pounding hangover-headache, there's a dick poking into his ass. Never have I ever had sex with a dude. What if shes an Avenger? Kidding?, No no, Tony says, sounding far away, shaking his head slowly. It's not needed; the genius does a fucking smashing job by himself, and Clint can't be bothered to give any shits. I have an ally! Seriously? He flings an arm dramatically over his face too, in case Clint somehow hasn't realized that Tony doesn't want to talk about this. (but they still needed to stay at an hotel) and since Mr. Harrington was probably in his room calling his wife, they could do what they wanted. Anyone we know? You're going to bed.. Aye, a quest! he says and bangs his jug against the floor, and Clint is once again glad they stopped giving him glass mugs. Eaten a cheeseburger really? Tony snarks. Steve flinches and opens his mouth to presumably apologize or some bullshit, but Clint's already on his feet and stumbling over (whoa, yeah, this whiskey's kicking nicely) before half-falling onto the Captain. He didn't want this attention, as if he was somehow interesting, just because he had a scar. He rarely drinks at all, actually. You peed on his suit? Steve asks, and sounds half gleeful and half scandalized. So he smiles, too, and doesn't say anything. M're comfrtblll. He doesn't manage the whole word, tongue too tired to bother, but Tony laughs anyway. Then he wonders if Bruce can have sex at all without the Big Guy showing up. This will probably be a few chapters or series. Then there's cold slipping into the warmth, cool air across his body, and Clint whines low until there's a warm something almost touching him and the mattress has dipped with the added weight. It was easy. Tony shrugs like it was nothing, his smirk just shy of a full-on shark grin. Clint flips him the bird without looking at him. He's certainly grown on everyone else who lives in this tower even Steve's stopped looking at Tony like a secondary version of his dad, and started smiling at the guy more. And no, no, Clint really doesn't want to, so he whines until he gets a finger in the ribs, and then he groans and rolls over so he can see the ceiling swirl slowly in an counter-clockwise direction. Maybe it won't be as bad this time, Natasha muses. he said, staring intensely at Peter, who now had three fingers. Are you still mad about the thing?. Tony rolls his eyes. Betty ringed the bell. Missions? Steve asks, smiling, and Clint and Nat both nod. Peter said slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes and looking down at his empty shot glass instead. This was a request from@imwithtonyandnatasha, I had a lot of fun writing it and really I hope it doesn't look like I rushed the ending. Clint never liked those, more one for sharp, searing taste than soft sweetness himself (and wow, isn't that a metaphor for his life). Yes, Barton, I know you love me. But her voice is warm. #steverogers He half wishes Phil were here so Clint could bitch at him about bad cupcake decisions, but their handler is currently in Arizona doing level 7 stuff that Clint is 'not privy to', no matter how good he is at hiding in Phil's ceiling. Thor looks thoroughly charmed. When they can't sleep. Team red, only being 16-17 had juice boxes. It becomes a semi-regular thing. Tony and Clint were the only ones to drink. Bruce grabs one of the packets of Cheetos and looks around with that same calm, quietly interested-but-also-exasperated air he usually wears around Tony and his antics. Okay, then. That in itself wouldn't be such a huge deal, because ideas are ideas and can be contained as long as they stay that way. Remember the toast?, Ouff! Steve goes to the floor, but turns around immediately, just as Natasha tries to knee him in the back. And today, he saw Jessica at school too, so he was ecstatic about that too. His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. Al1v3p00l, AddSomeSparkles, Gretetel, pheonixfeathers, Mani_readz, Athena_83, Son_AviAgreste, Theseeker100, Sydneyy205, Sarah_248, Bessiesboy04, Blackdahlia3000, th3_r4t_k1ng, lileolily, and_AS, 14Muffinz, Psyclopticfury, Annaparkerjones, Nicecutgee, Rahhpixy, Korbi01, Mian975, Ejiro_kiripima, localbookgirl, jnate101, minho_stole_my_cats, dxnllse, Artistik_nobody, yasammy4life, TheLyingGrapevine, apeacufulocean, Rudgiraffe, Yoosangah, rozeis, udonsuperiority, ImAHyperPotato, Madmadds01, daughter_of_apollo_7, Radzy_N3rd_time, OliOcelot, Blackwidow622, hockeyaddict, natalicja_w, charlotte1217, alilhopelessromanticgremlin, kukutajam, Alphandrew23, goldenzingy46, Tonydeservesbetter, nexttoyouboyfriends_larry, and 145 more users Or out of the bedroom. "Occasionally my webs will run out and it's not like cops are best at keeping their guns on their belts," He shrugged, pulling his legs up to his chest and smiling at the memory. He starts making Tony coffee in the mornings, when he's up earlier; Tony will shuffle in, usually a couple of minutes later, and inhale the caffeinated drink faster than can be any kind of healthy. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. "What! Does anyone have any good Spider-Man fanfics or time travel avengers Will Peter and Maya get a happy ending? I'm not great at relationships. Never Have I Ever (TV) - Works | Archive of Our Own 's been an awes'me night. He grimaces. Well, it was their life, he guessed, so he shouldnt worry about their choices, although it was sometimes very difficult to quench his motherly instincts, as Ned had dubbed them. He glances over at Tony, who's cheering and talking about the Chitauri invasion with Thor, and notices that the billionaire keeps glancing over at the two quietest men in the room to make sure they're having a good time. Nat smirked. I m'n yes. Shut up, this is the last one. Two sets of arrows find their way to the target's center without him really concentrating. developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. Y/n grew up as most children do. Like a puppy who's peed on the carpet and hasn't been chewed out by its owner yet, but knows what's coming. Guardians: What if Harry Potter had a big sister? Clint wouldn't have pegged him as particularly bendy, but here he is, pulling off a move even Clint struggles with on some days. We are to speak untruth? Thor asks, frowning at this new turn of events. He doesn't drink; everyone else does even Thor. Doesn't erase the question. Also any that come to my fruity brain in between my slow story updates. Yeah, well, I didn't listen back then either, did I? Clint points out. A small part of his mind had noticed how neither Sally nor MJ had put down their fingers. Go team go. Natasha had her own seat, Clint sitting on the back while cleaning a few of his arrows from his quiver, and was sat sideways across it with her legs hanging over the armrest. We play the fun rules, right? Um, he says. Bucky-sexual? Clint offers, and hopes it won't make the Captain even more wistful. left kudos on this work! Dad yells and I shake my head. Yeah, no real surprise there, Clint sounded almost disappointed. Thirteen-year-old Natalie Pierce--aka Agent Sola--is no stranger to tough times. When they meet up in a hallway in the Tower, or watch a movie together while the other Avengers are otherwise occupied. You know what really sucked though? He'd been grazed when getting out too, but it's nothing big; just nicked in the shoulder by a stray bullet. Army issue underwear doesnt really hold up to battle conditions. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. Also, for that matter, are we actually dating? The words make his stomach churn with nervousness, but he ignores it. Yeah, Im with Vision. Never have I ever ooh, wait, question.. They don't say good night. And of course you didn't have any ulterior motives at all, Bruce says, smiling. It kind of works, which is good enough, and he turns to wave at Tony and Thor. Ever wondered what the Avengers or the characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be as yanderes? Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. Please stop talking, Steve says, calm even if the tips of his ears are tinged pink. I'm training her." Then I got beaten half to death by Toomes, then I had to save him from getting blown up. I'm no longer writing these, I do not take requests, and it's rare I even log into this account. kind of way. 332 guests They quickly released Gamora from the Soul Stone, then scattered the Stones to the edges of the universe. If there are limits, the fun's gone. Bruce looks contemplative. #spiderman Thor brings a keg a fucking wooden keg, ladies and gentlemen to the floor, and cracks open the lid. she said, voicing the thoughts of her fellow teammates, who looked at Peter with horror. "Never have I ever shot a gun," Scott says and everyone but Aunt May and he takes a drink. "Okay, we're pausing, Peter, what in the actual fuck?" "Everyone has a hand, so five fingers, and after those, you have to take a shot for every time you have ever done the mentioned thing. Edward had many regrets in life, ones that he probably would never get to remediate forbecause death made a sudden but wild appearance in his life, or so he thought, at least. No. There's a hand ruffling his hair, fingernails scratching lightly at his scalp, just right and making pleasant shivers run down Clint's spine. Avengers: completed All of the Avengers and Wade took a shot or for Wade, a sip of a juice box. Ok, never have I ever made a list of all the people I slept with and been shocked by how high the number was, Sam grinned. Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. Never have I ever taken it up the ass. And he grins, all teeth and glee, as the rest of the team groan in exasperation. I'm not a thirteen year old girl, Stark, Clint says, his voice level. Then Peter took a shot. It tickles. I remember!. Weak sauce, Sam jeered playfully. It's my choice whether to tell the details or not.. I believe it would be best if we stopped the game now as it seems to be somewhat awkward. They always did one dumb ass thing for his birthday each year. The Avengers were gathered in the common room, ready with bottles of booze for the drinking game of the century. #fieldtrip Work Search: There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. The hottest boy in school. Why dont we start with the youngest and move clockwise in a circle? Steve looks a little scandalized again, and even Nat's arched an eyebrow, but Tony waves them off. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hmmm, Tony says before popping a few pieces of colored candy into his mouth. She is dating The Paxton Hall-Yoshida! Scott questions and I smirk. Anyways I found out about that and followed Toomes to a abandoned warehouse were we fought for like 8 minutes, then he shot the support beams of the warehouse and the entire building came crashing down on me. Parley Stories - Wattpad We all sit down in the living room and wait for Danny to take charge even if I was the leader of the junior team and Uncle Steve was the leader of the seniorteam. They all knew it wouldnt be the last drinking game they all played together, it was only a matter of when. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle and Peter are both obnoxious to their Feelings. That's the great thing about being two guys who like to have sex a lot: they get to, well, have sex a lot. 'Course you can. No joke, no leering, no inappropriate comment. "Language!" "I think that's a good idea," I say before leaning over onto dad and passing out.

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