. I agree with some of the previous post these men are being treated as guilty even when they have been proven as innocent. ", "McLachlan's conduct in kissing Wouters down the stomach once out of sight of the audience was unnecessary for the performance of the Janet Bed Scene, was not scripted or directed.". The Seven source said the series will remain intact despite McLachlan's absence, with other major characters set to return. sorry you are even thinking of having Dr. Blake without Craig I wouldnt be interested in watching the show without him BAD MISTAKE. While shooting the telemovie in a lightning-fast 13 days mid-year, the producers put a positive spin on a problematic situation. But it needs Craig a!also live in England. Bring back Craig Channel 7 instead of wishing to appear you are doing the right thing by women! Women and men have been mistreated by powerful people and I believe the situation exists and has for a long time. Why bother to produce more when the main character that made the show what it is isnt there. How do they think it will be a success without him,bring him back,not found guilty of anything,I love this series,we people in US love it!! I started watching this show just this year and I love it. And while Lawson's return is a happy event for Blake, Chief Superintendent Munro continues to come down hard on both he and Lawson. The ABC's defence document details further claims of a third actress, Teagan Wouters, who alleges that when she played Janet in The Rocky Horror Show, Mr McLachlan, who played the starring role of Frank-n-Furter, kissed down the front of her stomach during a bedroom scene and asked her for kisses in her dressing room. Doctor Blake! I was just a lowly stenographer, bur I never experienced or saw any harassment or bullying. Do they really think that people will watch the show without the star? The show is just not the same without him.. (LogOut/ Rose Lenore had never spoken to her father since she was five years old. (If we leave out the lawyers.) Media consultancy Enders Analusis reached the conclusion by examining the series that viewers actually complete after turning into the first episode. working together men and women can do more than than make hate grow. Craig is counter-suing. I am begging Channel Seven to reconsider their decision. Pay close attention and youll see that its true. When he is cleared, he should be allowed to return. What a shame that a successful career can be destroyed so easily. If Craig Mclachlan was found guilty then he should pay the price. He should be in the series. Among the citys most recognizable landmarks are the Colonists Club and Lydiard Street. 41. If it made her uncomfortable she should have said so IMMEDIATELY. On allegations you have killed the best ensembable on air todaya rare experience. Ridiculous that Craig was let go, after such baseless accusation. Men better watch out for these liberal pss wearing hat women. I immediately sensed discomfort from actors required to be in close quarters with him. Craig McLachlan was the reason for watching this show for me, watching him craft how the characters mind work as he discovers clues and how he balances his work and his imperfections. Do you want a land of Amazons? And now it seems that women still will turn against other women because they like a character in a tv show. Women who have been abused need help. Dr Blake was ALWAYS fighting that battle in every show!! I wont be watching if Craig McLachlan isnt in the show. "Jean's always been the font of knowledge of everything local," notes Adams. what is happening to this world!!! However, in the show's fifth season, it is . He allegedly called her a gorgeous woman and said: "I love 22-year-olds.". He is primarily recognized for his roles on soap operas such asNeighbours and Home and Away as well as the BBC One spy dramaBugs. A creatives review of some local Pridevertising, Why this IWD what women want is for men to show up, Despite the noise, NRL sponsors are back in droves ahead of 2023 season launch. Of course, forcible rate is another matter. I love the Dr Blake series, but will NOT watch it if they take Dr Blake out.. Yes, he put his hand on every woman. I certainly wont be watching it now. This show without Dr. Blake is dragging on. I watch the show from the USA $1.99. What you just said is so American If a woman is nice shes a flirt, if she is assertive shes a bitch & if shes a boss she gives good head! This craziness must stop. He points to Seven's success with Downton Abbey as a positive sign. I personally think/feel that Jean Beazly ((Nadine Garner), is Absolutley Gorgeous Totally agree with the majority of the decisions the total maniacal saying about sexual harassment and guilty-until-proven-innocent his just gone overboard I too will not watch this series Without doctor Blake in it more Stupid Decisions by the entertainment world and jump to conclusions before any proof is available totally despicable and deplorable, Dr Blake Mysteries is Craig McLachlan What happened to innocent till proven guilty- As a UK Fan I shall not be watching any further episodes till he comes back. Craig made the showvery disappointed its gone ahead without him considering all the allegations were proven to be nothing. Im a man and Ive been sexually harassed in more then one workplace. Sign up to our free daily update to get the latest in media and marketing. I will certainly not watch Dr. Blake without the Dr. Blake. . Egos be damned. They must put aside their emotions in order to help the community heal from a tragedy. I dont even know how thats going to be executed, sure she have Dr. Blake new perspectives or clues but that doesnt automatically make her Nancy Drew. You have to reconsider dropping McLachlan from the show before we get to see and enjoy this couples love and happiness . I agree, this is sad and seems a lot overreacted! Wont watch. That bothers me. He is the main even in the Dr,. Some people need to grow up and stop being so thin skinned. I agree that the show wont be the same without Craig. The innocent until proven guilty rule of law has changed to guilty without proof. I have NEVER had a reason to doubt the women in these cases. I am not happy I will not be watching the show from now on sham on seven. They need to rethink their over hadty actions.theres No Show Without Punch. No Craig=No more following Dr Blakes Mysteries!!! . This February, BritBox is serving up brilliant . sexual harassment charges have gone overboard for all the wrong reasons. Why is this so hard to believe that the male lead acted inappropriately? "Doctor Blake Mysteries is an extremely popular Australian TV show, which has been ABC . But in the battle for eyeballs, the BBC has found an unlikely champion in an Australian period drama fronted by a former soap star. You are both wished success. Its doable, but not optimal. Guess I wont be purchasing Season 4 or watching this show any longer. Rocky Horror is a completely different production from Dr. Blake and I can see it bringing out the bawdy and nasty in anyone. US citizens can watch the show onPBS and BritBox. The police opened a file. The Blake Mysteries introduces us to the titular character, Doctor Lucien Blake, who leaves for Scotland in his early 20s to earn his medical degree. A historical city with a rich history dating back to the gold rush, this city is beautiful and historic. Everyone assumed guilty and they lose guilty or not! At least try. They work together, balance each other, play off each others character. You had a very popular and successful series and because a few people make an accusation you take the mainstay, Dr Blake, off the show???? From a purely artistic standpoint, the show simply wont be plausible without him. Seven special was emotionally-charged, and sometimes surreal, as Craig McLachlan details how his life was destroyed by allegations. Did this act rally happen? say it aint so Lucien. Sad to say. Unfortunately, we again have lost an excellent Australian actor because the company have not got the gumption to stand by their actor. Management decisions by Australian companies always seem to be the wrong. Josie Tutty was Mumbrella's deputy editor. Credit: Jessica Dale The next instalment, like the the season five finale that went to air in November 2017 . The show is an Australian icon. I have become a great fan of the doctor Blake Mysteries. 13/02/2015. That is an important number for the networks. Seriously Dr. BLake without Dr Blake? She screamed blue murder We had fun, which is hard to do nowadays. I do agree with you that not enough emphasis is placed on women who commit sexual harassment and/or assault. January 15, 2021 at 5:33 p.m. BOSTON (AP) A major memorial honoring Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King is moving forward in Boston, where they met and studied in the 1950s. I loved all the characters, but if PBS air the new Craig-les episodes I wont be bothered. The USA TV programs all found it acceptable to have excessive nudity and bad language as everyday life. BRING BACK CRAIG, BRING BACK CRAIG, BRING BACK CRAIG. What happens when you mix bleach and tin foil? His primary accuser is still trying to use trial by media and repeating her not proven accusations in the press in great detail. . 'The Doctor Blake Mysteries' aka 'The Blake Mysteries' is an Australian mystery thriller series that originally aired in Australia on February 1, 2013. He IS the show! Not interesting and have stopped watching because of that! I will not be watching, it would be to sad for me to watch it without Dr. Blake. There is some speculation that the story is related to the gold rush, but producers have been tight-lipped. She is a strong-willed young woman who is not afraid to speak her mind. Theres a huge difference between harassment that needs to be reported, and someone horsing around or being playful. It has become apparent that ABC no longer trusts the person who broke the story. In a permissive environment, going beyond another persons comfort zone is always a possibility. Best ensemble cast on air today anywhere in the world. I hope they bring him back after they see how the show disappoints. They found nothing. You will lose many many fans by dumping Craig especially after it was found there was no cade to answer. Shame. I am curious. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is an original 10-part murder mystery series starring one of Australia s favourite and most versatile actors, Craig McLachlan, as the maverick country town doctor Lucien . I believe Dr. Blake character needs to come back, This website uses cookies for proper functioning and enhancing the user experience. Murdoch investigates two murders at a cemetery. Im really not sure how you can overcome his loss. Surely the local police will have to have a replacement doctor? This is of course in spite of the fact that disclosing this conduct usually means that the woman is the one lined up for ritualistic public shaming and makes a decisions to disclose it deeply unpleasant. The discussion is important. Are you crazy? Today they want to make decisions as to who goes and who stays. I love the show. We dont pretend we very much talk about her grief at him not being there, Garner says. Anyone can accuse. The show will not be the same Craig Mclachlan. He IS Dr. Blake. He IS the show. so entertaining! Hope he comes back. So, if he was not being inappropriate on the set why drop him from the show? It is expected Dr Blake's absence will form the backbone of the show's new storyline. Dr Blake. Loved this show so much and the other great Aussie one set in the fifties A Place to call home and in fact thought they should have both been shown on prime time, and not weekly afternoons when lot of people are at work! So sad. Great story lines and actors. If men just behaved and treated women with the same respect they demand for themselves, we wouldnt need me too. I agree with all the comments. The powers that be should show some courage, especially in the face of allegations that have no merit. Something very wrong in todays world. The comeupence of the new commander was a way to let us watchers down a bit gently I guess. Craig McLachlan poses for a photo with partner Vanessa Scammell (R) and fellow actor Nadine Garner, I came away from that time, and I said to [the shows creator] George [Adams], The funny thing is, even though everyone acknowledges what has happened to Craig, they still expect the show to carry on. But, says Wright, "It feels like a totally new show" as it takes up the story late in 1963, three years after the ABC telemovie, in the dawning era of television and after the assassination of the American president. I love this show but will not watch without him. Please look upon his situation as having been a miss carriage of justice and reinstate him,I know all his followers are missing him from the show. Takes 10 seconds to register - join now. I love the Doctor Blake series and watch it on 2 different PBS stations here in Tulsa. What part of this does Channel Seven understand????? Why is it OK for the media to print unproven allegations and destroy lives. Craig WAS Dr. Blake. Hes also waiting for the right time to propose to Jean while hes investigating. It is such a pity that male entitlement has taken so long to be headlined. A distressed Sam Cohen says her father was taken aback by his behavior when she was a child. 2 Sorrow Songs. My partner and I are also UK watchers, it is a very popular series here and I agree with the majority of comments. Same here I agree with you, Joanna. I have just the watched 1st Episode of the Blake Mysterious and I am sorry to say I do not think I will be watching anymore. December 19th, 2018 By David Knox 18 commentsFiled under: News, Top Stories, EXCLUSIVE: Seven is not proceeding with more of The Blake Mysteries in 2019, all but signalling the end for the Doctor Blake franchise. See More Details about "The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories (DVD, 2018)" Return to top. Without Dr. Blake, whats the point. This has been done to both men and women so I dont think it is a jester that is intended to be sexual but more towards compassion. I have purchased and watched this entire series but am not interested if Craig McLachlan is not in it. I think you are making a terrible mistake by letting him go. Not sure how they can even make this work without the main character. A very special message to the #BlakeArmy from Joel Tobeck about Doctor Blake Series 4.WARNING: Contains Series 4 Episode 1 Spoilers. Retaliation? Love, love, love Jean but she also needs Lucien in the show! What a crazy mixed up world we live in. Get over it and go with him or NO ONE As I understand the situation he was cleared of the charges and then, because he was aggressive in defending himself, he was dropped from the show. My role as a skilled mediator and trusted divorce coach is to ensure that my clients' divorces go smoothly to ensure they can move forward and thrive after a divorce. I wish the police would finalize their investigations. Im fed up of programmes getting spoilt by people change especially the main character . How to Market Your Business with Webinars. They were happy to be free of them, As for McLachlan, Garner says she has not spoken to him since the news broke. He Always Seemed Genuinely Gracious To Everyone. 0. Fans would like to think Craigs return is planned. I live in the UK and love this series. Harriet too bad you are thinking of having the series without Craig without him I would not be interested of watching it BAD MISTAGE, McLachlan was accused of indecent assault and harassment. He always holds out his hand to help and Sick of needing these movements. They should be so lucky. Dont punish him for being found innocent hes already had to deal with being blamed for something he hasnt done. Wont bother tuning in to that again. All will have been harmed in one way or another. Posted Fri 14 May 2021 at 7:00pm Friday 14 May 2021 at 7 . Extremely Disappointed. Peoples lives ruined by allegations in the media that would never stand up in court. This is terrible. How can this series possibly work now the main character the series is actually named after, succeed? I guess thats the way the world is now youre guilty even when youre not. I have standing Saturday night date with Dr. Blake and when I can make it, it is recorded. It wont be The Dr Blake Mysteries without Dr Blake. 2 Sorrow Songs. Men are getting a bad rap its all about money if a woman doesnt want sex she should slap his damn face and walk out if Dr. Blake goes off Ill will Go off when they change characters somehow it changes the The whole show They have done it with a lot of British comedies and I miss the main actors I know life must go on people change but we miss our first characters that we love and enjoyed so much. So if she considered it joking as is in stated in the article, what changed? Seven is open to further telemovies should the next instalment rate well. This petition starter stood up and took action. All the characters a must for this show. December Media temporarily stopped pre-production of its upcoming series of telemovies, Seven first picked up the popular series in October 2017, the ABC dropped the television version of the show earlier that year, joint investigation by Fairfax Media and the ABC. Craig McLachlan/Wife. Since hes so willing to support the cast and crew of the show, at a cost to himself, doesnt that tell you this man is truly a good person and should not be being vilified as he has been. Is that only fantasy? This is why I do still think there is alot of stuff that is taken way out of context and is over the top against males and like all opinions some people do take things to the extreme in their views one way or the other. I will no longer watch dont assume someone is guily before all facts are in. I doubt that I will watch it without him though I thoroughly enjoy Nadine Garner and the chemistry she shared with Craig I also will not be watching if Craig is not in it. My wife and I will not watch Dr. Blake Mysteries until Craig M. is reinstated into the series. Ms Steele was asked to drive Mr McLachlan to Melbourne Airport at the end of a costume fitting at Southbank. We watch The Doctor Blake He was found innocent, bring him back! Shame on you. If he was cleared of charges this doesnt seem fair. Very sad. He has a court hearing at the end of next year, October 2019, she says. It would be a downright shame for Lucien and Jean to have gone through so much and to have finally found each other only to have him killed off! However, it is very much an ensemble cast. It wont last. Date. Seriously, enough is enough is enough!! Please bring Craig back!! If he is not in the series you might as well not make any series. Now the Blake Army has been left devastated by the decision to remove Craig McLachlan as Lucien Blake in this beloved series. I cannot believe he would be the person you charge him for something I do not believe. I personally will NOT be watching The (No) Blake Mysteries when they return! Its like trying to have a show called Sherlock Holmes without Sherlock Holmes. ", The defence document also alleges that in a different scene, Ms Hayes was required to stand on a ladder and take a painting off the wall. He is a great actor and the character of Lucien is very believable. When love turns to shit, make toilet paper, COD and Pizza Hut: Now delivering direct to your parents basement, Is there something in the PR water? It follows the titular character, Doctor Lucien Blake, who after an absence of nearly 30 years, comes back to his hometown Ballarat, located in the north-west corner of Melbourne, during the 1950s.

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